St. Siloan the Athonite
Francis told his Orthodox brothers, “We need to help one another not to yield to the seductions of an individualistic ‘culture of hate’ that, perhaps no longer ideological as...the atheist persecution, is nonetheless more persuasive and no less materialist.” He said there is a need for Catholics and Orthodox to collaborate together... “in many cases, a relationship of reciprocal trust and friends
They may not be in communion with each other but they have a form of unity that is bigger than the Church in the World Council of churches.
"While some may question the motivation, the timing or the purpose of this event, we, in the Orthodox Church in America, should give thanks to God that we are witnesses to such a historic meeting between two important Christian world leaders." Letter from Metropolitan Tikhon
"After forty years of an intense ecumenical experience, we can look back with gratitude for the progress made in the journey towards full visible unity." World Council of churches (Anti-Christ organization) celebrates the work of John Paul.
“Beloved brother in Christ, along the path towards full communion between our Churches, we are sustained by the intercession of the holy brothers Peter and Andrew, our patron saints,” Pope Francis said on Nov. 30.
"The official participation of the Roman Catholic Church in the ecumenical movement was strengthened by the promulgation in November 1964 of the Second Vatican Council’s decree on ecumenism called Unitatis Redintegratio (Latin for "Restoration of unity"). This decree described the ecumenical movement as being "fostered by the grace of the Holy Spirit" for "the restoration of unity among all Chris
Birth of the Baptist Orthodox Church
102 West Main Street, Suite 2, Pinckney, Michigan 48169, United States